Training Facilities

Parade Grounds

There are six parade grounds in the Academy. The main Passing out Parade Ground spreads over 7 acres.

Smart Class Rooms

Smart Classrooms are technology-driven that foster both teaching and learning. Classes are configured utilizing Computers, specialized software, audience response technology, assistive listening devices, networking, and audio/visual capabilities.

Computer Labs

The Academy has four well-equipped computer labs with LAN. Each lab consists of 50 computers. At these Labs, the trainees get a chance for a good grasp of the basics of computers. The labs are also utilized for advanced courses for the In-service personnel including officers from the Cyber Cells.

Cyber Forensics Lab

KEPA is cognizant of the mounting insecurity in the digital world with the surge in cyber frauds that is correlated to the rapid advancement of Information Technology over the years. It is imperative to address the complexity and challenges involved in the investigation of cybercrimes. We are resolute to equip each Law Enforcement Officer who undergoes training at KEPA with the skill of cracking the anonymity of the fraudster. Advanced Cyber Forensics Training Lab of KEPA started functioning on 29th May 2019. Hands-on training is imparted to trainees as well as In-service personnel on the procedures of cybercrime investigation at the lab.

Digital Forensics Training Lab

Legal systems across the world recognize the importance of forensic evidence and such evidence is widely accepted in the trial of criminal offenders. The fast-growing forensic disciplines are of great boon to the Investigating Agencies worldwide. The determination to provide the best training in digital crime investigation led to the setting up of a secondary Digital Forensics Training Laboratory in the Academy.

Crime Scene Training Hall

Crime Scene inspection plays a very crucial role in the criminal investigation process. Each scene of a crime is a treasure of evidence. Successful prosecution of any case relies on the proper and timely collection and interpretation of the shreds of evidence from the scene of the crime. The state-of-the-art Crime Scene Simulation Hall is one of the finest simulated crime scene training centers in the country. The trainees receive firsthand training on multifarious aspects of evidence collection at the Crime Scene Training Hall of the Academy.

Counter IED Training Center

Terrorism is a plague from which no continent or country is immune. For members of any present-day law enforcement agency, it is imperative to be savvy with Improvised Explosive Devices. Photos and models of various IEDs are displayed at the IED Model Room. Trainees are taught the methods of handling IEDs, diffusing IEDs in a safe manner, etc.

Counter Insurgency Training Center

The Counter-Insurgency training center is a unique training area in the Kerala Police Academy. A variety of improvised explosive devices models are exhibited at the park to familiarize the same to trainees as well as in-service personnel. Anti-sabotage measures are also taught at the center.

Model Police Station

The Model Police Station in KEPA is a replica of a Local Police Station in all senses. The day-to-day administration/operation of a real Police Station is lucidly taught to the trainees. All the records and forms that are used in a Local Police Station are made available at the Model Police Station.

Environmental Crime Park and Museum

The discerning vision of the Kerala Police Academy that sensitizing our forces, especially Police and Forest Departments on the environment and its importance, environmental crimes and its investigation is the key to effectively counter the environmental crimes led to the establishment of a well-furnished Crime Park and Museum on 23rd October 2020.

Firing Range

The 300-yard Firing Range of the Academy can hold 14 long-range targets (4*4) and 24 short-range targets.

Weapon Simulator

The advanced Weapon Simulator of KEPA is equipped with Four Lane System. AK 47, 09 mm Pistol, .303 Rifle, 5.56 mm, and INSAS Rifle can be connected and a wide range of targets can be set at different ranges.

Driving School

Expertise in driving is an indispensable quality a Police officer should acquire. With a vision to make each trainee who undergoes training in the Kerala Police Academy an impeccable driver, training to drive Light Motor Vehicles and Two Wheelers has been imparted to the trainees of the Kerala Police Academy since 2004, as part of the basic training. Private Driving Schools were depended upon for imparting training as well as procuring the Driving License for the trainees. With a vision to improve the quality of driving training, it was decided to exclude Private Driving Institutes and to establish a Driving School run by the Police Department in the Academy. Subsequently, The Driving School of Kerala Police Academy started functioning on 30.11.2013 with a License No.08/18/2013.The Driving School functions under the direct control of the Assistant Director (MT), KEPA. One Sub Inspector and one Civil Police Officer are posted for office administration as well as for liaison with the Motor Vehicle Department. In addition to this, 9 Police personnel have been selected as instructors for providing practical driving training to the trainees. Presently 10 Department Jeeps equipped with Duel system and 7 Motor Cycles are used to impart training. Fueling and maintenance of these vehicles are carried out under the supervision of the Assistant Director (MT).In the Academy Driving School, the focus is on enabling the trainee to drive and maintain the vehicle flawlessly. As such, training is extended until the trainee is capable of driving the vehicle in a perfect manner. Apart from practical driving classes, indoor classes on subjects like laws pertaining to motor vehicles, signals, care and maintenance, etc. are provided. For teaching the functioning of different types of engines, Differential System, Steering System, Gear Box System, Clutch Assembly System, etc. models driven by electricity have been installed in the indoor classes.

Drill Nursery

The Drill Nursery is equipped with various correctional installations. Large mirrors are fixed in front of each installation to enable the trainees to watch their movements and correct mistakes themselves.

Dolphin Aquatic Training Centre

Kerala is the land blessed with so many rivers, backwaters, ponds, and streams. As far as the duty of Police in Kerala is concerned proficiency in swimming is absolutely essential. Swimming has been included in the syllabus of all basic training programs of Kerala Police Academy with an aim to make each trainee an adept swimmer. In line with this objective Dolphin Aquatic Centre of Kerala Police Academy started functioning on 23/04/2012. Recruits of other departments who undergo training in the Academy are also provided training in the Swimming Pool. The Swimming Pool of the Kerala Police Academy meets international standards having a length of 50 meters and a width of 25 meters. There are ten tracks, each having a width of 2.5 meters in the pool. Life-saving training and training on Water Polo are also imparted to the trainees. In Kerala, a lot of drowning death cases are reported annually, especially in the school vacation season in which most of the victims are school children. With a vision to make the children proficient in swimming, every year Swimming Coaching Camps are organized for school students at the Centre.